
Developer Conference Companion

The following information contains slides that were part of seminars delivered at various conferences. This information is for educational purposes only. The slides were a supplement to the seminar. The author does NOT grant permission for these materials to be posted on other websites, printed in book form, or republished in any other way either in hardcopy or electronic form. Electronic links to this website are permitted with proper citation.
Game Developer ConferencesComputer Game Developer ConferencesIGDN Conferences

GDC 2003: Beyond Bouncing Boxes
This lecture explores the fast and realistic deformation and fracture. (Powerpoint presentation)

GDC 2002: Taming a Wild River

This lecture explores the fluid dynamics and approximation techniques. (Powerpoint presentation)

GDC 2001: Real-Time Artistic Non-Photorealistic Rendering

This lecture explores the use of non-photorealistic rendering techniques to enhance and explore the look of games. The Non-Photorealistic Rendering Conference in Annecy June 2000 is reviewed. (Powerpoint, 1.4MB)

GDC 2000: Using Technology to Create Believable 3D Characters

This is an extended version of the Roadtrip talks. It was presented at the GDC 2000.(Powerpoint 2000, 3.53MB)

GDC Roadtrips September-December 1999: Using Technology to Create Believable 3D Characters

GDC March 1999: Real-time Inverse Kinematics Handout (Word 97 Doc ~274K)

This paper was left out of the conference proceedings due to an MFI screw up. This was the one I really wanted in the proceedings. We handed them out at the session but in case you missed it...

GDC March 1999: Reinventing the Wheel: Buy or Build 3D tools Handout (Word 97 Doc ~7K)

This one made it into the proceedings, although it didn't have any math or anything too critical to take home.

GDC Roadtrip November 1998: Real-time Inverse Kinematics Handout Updated at GDC 99

IGDN October 1998: Facial Animation for Real-Time Games
IGDN March 1998: Nothing But Skin and Bones: Creation of Compelling Real-Time 3D Characters

CGDC May 1998, Full Day Seminar: Real-time Graphics Techniques
CGDC May 1998, Lecture: State of the Art of Real-Time 3D Characters