Fluid Dynamics Links. This is the research I pulled for simulating water effects. They are in chronological order within two groups. I have really investigated the dynamic methods so comment more there. If anyone has worked with any of these techniques or knows of others I have missed, I would love to compare implementation notes. Non-Dynamic Methods Peachey, Darwyn, "Modeling Waves and Surf", SIGGRAPH 1986, pp. 65-74 This paper covers wave approaching and breaking on a sloping beach. Uses a phase function to produce waves and refractions and a particle system for spray. Fournier, Alain, "A Simple Model of Ocean Waves", SIGGRAPH 1986, pp. 75-84 Models particles of water as circular and eliptical orbits. Surface then rendered as a parameteric surface. Goss, Michael, "A Real Time Particle System Display of Ship Wakes," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May, 1990, pp. 30-35 You get the idea. Dynamic Models - Use some form of computation fluid dynamics approach. I believe these produce the most realistic results. Miller, Gavin, "Globular Dynamics, A Connected Particle System for Animating Viscous Fluids," Computers and Graphics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1989, pp. 305-309 Very nice looking fountain type stuff. Sort of flowing metaballs. Kass, Michael, and Gavin Miller, "Rapid, Stable Fluid Dynamics for Computer Graphics," SIGGRAPH, 1990, pp. 49-55 This methods simplifies the full navier-stokes fluid flow equations for shallow water. It uses a height map to represent the water surface. I have implemented both the 2D and 3D versions of this system and it is very suitable for realtime performance on the scale I need. It looks very realistic and provides most of the features I am looking for like; standing waves, eddies, holes, etc. Major drawback is that since it is a heightmap, the water cannot crash over in a full wave. I have been playing with firing particles whenever a cell pressure and vertical velocity are over a threshold. Chen, Jim, and Niels Lobo, "Toward Interactive-Rate Simulation of Fluids with Moving Obstacles Using Navier-Stokes Equations," Graphical Modeling and Image Processing, Vol 57, No. 2, March 1995, pp. 107-116 Extends Kass and Miller's technique to support obstacles in the flow as well as ship wakes, etc.. The University of Central Florida has been working on extending the Kass and Miller model also for use in military simulation. Their website is www.vsl.ist.ucf.edu/~jinxiong Nick Foster has the most interesting papers on his web site at www.cis.upenn.edu/~fostern Foster,Nick, and Dimitri Metaxas, "Realistic Animation of Liquids," Proceedings GI '96, pp. 204-212 Foster,Nick, and Dimitri Metaxas, "Controlling Fluid Animation," Proceedings CGI '97, pp. 178-188 These simulate the full 3D navier-stokes equations. This allows for full wave crashing, splashing, etc. The area is completely voxelized and the water flows all over. Problem is, so far I have been unable to get this fast enough for a large enough area to be feasible for gaming. However, I believe this is the future.